Rowandale’s Principal – Education Act Update Sector Reference Group

Today I attended on behalf of the NZ Pasifika Principals Association (NZPPA) the 
Ministry of Education – Education Act Update Sector Reference Group 
hui in Wellington. The Ministry is keen to work with the Reference Group to obtain technical advice on key aspects of implementing the Education Act Update. The Reference Group will enable the Ministry to seek early advice on key areas of implementation, prior to Ministerial decisions and Cabinet decisions.

Around the table today were representatives from: NZPF, NZEI, NZPPA, PPTA, NZSTA, SPANZ, AIMS, Early Childhood Advisory Committee, Iwi Leaders Education Sub Committee, Association of Proprietors of Integrated Schools, Independent Schools, Area Schools Association, Te Kohanga Reo National Trust, ERO and Ministry of Education Staff. The meeting was chaired by Susan Howan – Associate Deputy Secretary Strategy and Implementation.

The main content and points from todays hui were (These are MY notes):
New Statutory Interventions – Doug Ferry, MOE

    • There are 4 NEW interventions – (1) A Case Conference, (2) A Specialist Audit, (3) A Performance Notice and (4) Statutory Appointee appointed to the BOT by the Minister
    • These have been in place since May
    • The changes to the Education Act increases the number of intervention options available to the Minister of Education and the Ministry
    • The Education Act requires that an intervention only be used if it is reasonable to deal with the level of risk or concern without intervening more than necessary in a school
    • This requirement protects the principle of self-managing schools, which means that interventions will only be used to the extent necessary to return a school back to self governance
    • There are two thresholds that need to be met before intervention is approved – (1) Reasonable grounds for concern about the operation of the school, or the welfare or educational performance of its students; OR (2) Reasonable grounds to believe, there is a risk to the operation of the school or welfare or educational performance of its students

Cohort Entry – Anne-Margaret Campbell, MOE

    • The Education Act has been amended to enable schools to fully adopt cohort entry, following consultation with their community
    • If adopted, New Entrants will start school as part of a cohort at the beginning of the Term closest to their 5th Bday or start of the later Term
    • Consultation must include Staff, Parents of current and prospective students, local early childhood services (Schools need to consider whether their community finds the change acceptable, before introducing it)
    • Schools need to give at least ONE Terms notice of the change before the policy can take effect (and notify the MOE)
    • 39 schools have been approved for cohort entry in 2018

Compulsory AttendanceAnne-Margaret Campbell – MOE

    • Start school enrolled by 6 years old
    • Part-Time and transitions plans

Off-site Location – Phillippa Pidd – MOE

    • If your school has Off-Site Building you need approval and agreement with MOE
    • What is an off-site location
    • A way of monitoring and sorting through issues related to schools with multiple sites
    • Who is affected?
    • Templates are available for agreements from the MOE Website
    • 300 across country – 80 completed already

Seclusion and Restraint – Mark Thorburn – MOE

    • Acknowledged the advisory group / cross sector group who worked for 2 years on this Kaupapa
    • 15 August statutory guidelines for all schools
    • Who can use physical restraint in Schools – Teachers and authorised staff members – BOT needs to authorise Teacher Aides in writing
    • When can physical restraint be used in school’s
    • The Rules/ Guiding Principles/ Do not use Restraint for …

    • Data so far (Photo) – 402 reported incidents 186 schools

Planning and Reporting – Ben O’Meara/ Meagan Moffat/ Rachel Voller – MOE

      • Wanting to gather the sector groups thoughts before they go into discussions with the Minister before Christmas
      • Wide variety of practice in planning and reporting across the schools in NZ.
      • Also varied support and consistency provided by the MOE
      • 2015 consultation – support for simplification/ support for more engagement and consultation/ support for putting stuff in regulations
      • Idea is about implementing what the strategic plans or direction of the Ministry/ Govt
      • Reporting is also linked to accountability in relation to use of state funds
      • Documents should be an information source for everybody
      • Richer than it is right now
      • About important things/ useful/ Parents to become more involved/ streamlined with annual plans
      • Strategic Planning requirements in the Act
      • Annual implementations every other year
      • If national standards are taken away then Nag 2a needs to be amended
      • Detail for the statement of variance/ analysis of variance
      • Agreed as a meeting that we will place this on the agenda for the next meeting because we are still awaiting more detail about the work plan of the new Government and their expectations for Reporting might change.

    Meetings Dates 2018

      • 15 February
      • 15 March
      • 17 May
      • 14 June
      • 16 August
      • 13 September
      • 15 November
    If you would like further clarification or understanding on anything in this blog please contact me directly on [email protected]